私が梅のリキュール星子を造りました。 私はバーテンダーであり、飲食店のプロデュース、バー、フードコーディネイトといった飲食の文化に携わっています。
梅のリキュール星子は、その年に採れた厳選された梅のみを使ってつくられる無添加・単純濾過の自然派、限定生産のお酒です。フレーバー主体の梅酒とはまったく異なる、本物の梅リキュールです。長い研究の末に配分されたスパイスの数々が梅の風味、酸味であるクエン酸とマリアージュされ、 心とカラダにやさしい世界に通用するリキュールとして、全国有名BAR、京都老舗料亭、また海外でも評価をいただいています。
近い将来、世界に誇ることができる日本のリキュールとして星子が日本を飛び出し、 世界中の街場で飲めるようになることを願っています。
I am deeply involved in the local food and beverage industry. In addition to being a career bartender,I produce bars,restaurants and food coordinate and beverage-related cultural activities.
In1979 I sought to create the first world renowned Japanese liqueur and embarked on along process of research and development. Finally, in 2005, I developed what I thought was the perfect creation: HOSHIKO. Each Spring,we begin the process of creating that year's HOSHIKO Nouveau.
Subsequent to Autumn harvest, we deliver HOSHIKO Nouveau to the homes of many customers. Thankfully, our list of customers who reserve HOSHIKO Nouveau continues to grow each year. We are honored by HOSHIKO's growing popularity and fan base. I look forward to the day when HOSHIKO bursts out into the international scene and becomes a mainstay at all the local bars and restaurants around the world.
Seijiroh "DANNY" Aikawa
Special Thanks : Portrait Photos By Hideyo Fukuda(フォトグラファー福田秀世)
The article discusses the depth of the Japanese plum liqueur, Hoshiko(星子).
This is a liqueur created by Danny Aikawa,
who is a legendry bartender made from a complex blend of plums and spices. Read and drink it.
Japanese Ume Liqueur ”HOSHIKO” Made With Love & Passion
Danny Aikawa, a Japanese bartender know for long career, started to create an unique Japanese Ume plum liqueur "HOSHIKO" in 1979.
This is made from Japanese Ume plum plucked from Wakayama prefecture in ever early summer.
"HOSHIKO" is distinctive yet subtle.
Its elegant fruit profile comes from extracting the plum essence by a secret process and macerating it in vodka with several spices.
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